Engine of ReVolution

Due to my job, for about two years, I’ve been in those countries called «third world». Walking through the streets of the cities of these places and I can see the future of Spain, buildings were built and gradually deteriorate because there is no money or inclination to rehabilitate them, shacks, one after another along several streets where they live a family of 5 persons in the worst conditions, people sleeping on the sidewalk, half-naked children begging because that’s all they have been able to learn from their parents, disorganization, chaos. While a few meters a bunch of people hoard all the money and rot in their mansions built with china . This is nothing new, nor has it ever been. The problem is when this is forgotten, and these countries have already done. They got used to living like this.

Spain have the same risk if what is happening these days are not perpetual, not written in stone in the popular imagination and not go down in history as a story or as that day I went to an event and I had a good run ahead of the police. Unfortunately the democratic system in our country is made to put spokes in the wheels, heir to a dictatorship that left it all tied up and well tied, and a transition in which trying to make everyone happy, however has become an incurable ulcer. In fact, when we vote we don’t give the right of representation to the politician, but the right to be able to freely exercise his or her discretion, deciding what they like, ignoring, stealing, discredit and using rubber bullets and torture anything that cast doubt on their «work».

What the judiciary has to say? Oh no, we’re in Spain, which the judges are married to politics. And in case you want a divorce, spousal maintenance to pay can be very high, and the benefits of marriage are very juicy. I always heard in school about the separation of powers. I never saw it.

After watching for three years an entire country revealing, that is saying «enough», that can not keep going anymore, that it wants a change. It wants once and for all the seats of Congress sweep with new blood, new ideas, and send all the dinosaurs to the museum of natural history. People want a real change, not patches. Something like what happened in Iceland. A real change, Put the house upside down and reform from the hall to the bathroom.

But again and again the people find an impassable wall. Looks like they want to beat us by tiredness, make us feel powerless over the decisions and actions they take, so was always like that. But this time we are too tired to be fooled. The Revolution engine is running. All you have to do is keep giving fuel, the fuel is to keep doing what is being done so far. All you need is patience and perseverance.

We do not want a country left in those hands, in an outmoded democracy, outdated and corrupt, my children begging, sleeping on the street and living in shacks while they are up there now rotten in their money and laughing at all of us.